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Roman's Intercontinental Championship Win

Titles are given for multiple reasons in the WWE. If somebody is super over with the fans, they might get a title. If a superstar needs a push, they might get a title. To make a feud interesting, somebody may win a title. Sometimes titles are given simply to increase excitement for an upcoming event(AJ Styles win over Jinder/Survivor Series). There are many other reasons titles are given, but, Regardless of the purpose, each title given has a reason. There are no good reasons why Roman Reigns should have won the Intercontinental Championship last week on RAW.

Historically, the Intercontinental Championship has been given to those superstars who are on the verge of breaking through the midcard to the main event. This belt gives wrestlers legitimacy as a real contender and helps elevate them to main event status. When used properly, the Intercontinental Championship can help build new talent and in turn give you more tools to work with when building a card that will draw or a feud that fans will become invested in. The Intercontinental Championship has significant purpose.

However, when put on a star who is already established (Roman Reigns) or on a superstar prematurely, the Intercontinental Championship becomes insignificant. When put on an established superstar, the title becomes meaningless because we all know this superstar is capable of winning this title. He should be chasing after the WWE Title. When given too early to a rising star, it damages the Titles legitimacy as a worthless title that anybody and their mother can win. The Intercontinental Title, is probably the trickiest but most important titles to give to a superstar.

Roman Reigns does not need the IC Title. He's past that and putting it on him takes away from those who could really use it to help elevate their career and help build a better roster. And don't throw this Grand Slam Champ BS as a reason to me, that is not a valid reason. Putting the IC Title on Roman is an utter and absolute waste of the title.

I can think of 5 guys off the top of my head who could use an IC Title run over Roman right now: 1) Samoa Joe, although he has fought for the main title, he still has had no titles outside of NXT. 2) Finn Balor, although he is the 1st Universal Champion, he could really use the IC title as a push right now. 3)The Miz, Mike did a great job as a heel champ and kept the title interesting. 4)Bray Wyatt, although Bray has also been WWE Champ before, it was short lived and he is dwindling in midcard obscurity, Bray could desperately use an IC Title run/feud. 5)Elias, although this might be a touch premature, the IC Title would serve greater purpose on Elias than Roman.

What's even worse about the IC title being on Roman is his invincibility. The guy can not be beat. So if you're like me, you better settle in for the long haul because I don't see that title going anywhere soon, especially since the Universal Title is on Brock Lesnar and He and Roman are not slated to compete until Mania. Also, Brock having the Universal Title this long as a part timer is stupid as well, but that is for another blog.


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